A Year Later
Time is flying. I'm back in NYC, set to return to Cambria, CA on New Year's Day. Here's the headline:
I've finished my memoir! Death, Divorce & Real Estate: An Upper West Side Story will be on
Amazon early next year.
I've been helped immensely by my bi-costal writing groups. The Rough Writers in Cambria and
Patty Dann's class at the Writer's Voice at the West Side YMCA here, in Manhattan.
I met my editor, Jennifer Redmond through a friend in Cambria, AND a wonderful book designer,
Patty Arnold, in my tap dancing class there.
Next month I'll be shooting a book trailer video. The videographer, Eric Alexander, is the same talented guy who shot the film "Sisters" that you can see on the website. Can't wait for our hours long day to shoot a two minute video!
I will be doing a book signing at the Coalesce Book Store in Morro Bay in March.
I feel very lucky and hope you all will share in the excitment when the book is out.